Monday, February 25, 2008

Mind B(l)ogg(l)ing

(this was the 2nd paragraph before)I am going to change this a zillion times before posting..! "delete-backspace-shift-capslock"

(this was first paragraph) what are you going to write(scribble, blabber..whatever..!
(deleted "i am" from here) not writing for the reader. ("i" removed) wish someone will comment...! good or bad..!

what in the world am i writing..what can i write?? this is my think you are different..? you think i am confused..? Deleting these lines for the 29th time..! 35 now..! edited twice...?!

This is different.. not writing for my assignments..i am not writing email..i am blogging...Is it possible to write whatever comes to mind. (This is lie) Deleting again...

Poongathave...Ilayaraja...தமிழ் வாவ்...!
Close its not...!
Whom are you writing..?
someone's talking in hindi...!
Wish i could stop this guy snoring...!
Tell me this wont be graded...!
plug in the eyes..!
wasting better work to do..A lot..!
why blogging..?
Stop asking questions...i am better at what i do..scroll up and see if you filled some space...! More fullstops...there again...Exclamation..! (spell checked) Change the title? let it be...ok..wrap it tamil words so far? no few...the song..delete it?
you are insane..what do you want? do you think the whole world is going to read this the moment you publish? Words dangling around cyber the letters..Grinning big..........!

You will waste someone's time..! What did you get...!

stop it...!
someone's buzzing...!
Snores never stop..!
Hindi vanishes....!

delete again...proof read????? hahahahaaaaaaaa.....
what do you say?
I am your CONSCIENCE...! Go sleep...!
look around for some changes...change color..backspace...!

GO sLEeP...! Conscience hinders..!?
snore prevails...
and on...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Frozen Shell

Shells lie in the ocean..Free..!!

But locked and trapped here..
Its a wax glass..anyone wana try..??